So... i'm feeling particularly happy today. Not sure why...
I've been thinking about life a lot lately - how things happen the way they do, why things happen the way they do... I wonder how differently I'd live my life if I could REALLY get a glimpse of the big picture. I mean... I know that the world is so much bigger than what I see on a day to day basis. I know that God has an ultimate plan for this earth and that I play a part in that... but wow... if I could be zoomed up into heaven for a few minutes and have a little meeting with God, I'd love to see what's in store for me. I know He's given me BIG dreams, HUGE ones. He's given me a passion for music, for people, for the world around me... and I know He's going to use it for His glory... I just don't know how exactly.
I blogged this quote just a few days ago, but it's still speaking to me:
"It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not." -Unknown
Courage is what those words above are talking about.
to act in accordance with one's beliefs, ESPECIALLY in spite of hardships, pain, danger, etc. .
Courage is one's actions matching one's spirit. It's actually LIVING what you know in your heart to be true.... and it can be quite a scary thing sometimes. It's is not just dreaming dreams, it's running after them. What a great quality to have.
Gosh... that word, "courage," has really been ministering to me a lot recently.... If you can't tell by the over-use of it in this post :). I was told by a woman I greatly admire that I lacked this bigtime. Yes, it may sound a bit harsh, but it resonated with me so deeply that I fought to hold back tears. Sometimes it takes someone really calling you out on your weaknesses to step up and rise above them, and that's what I plan on doing!
God has given me EVERYTHING I need to fulfill my calling in Him - my destiny. There is nothing that I lack. All I have to do is show up and have the
courage to pursue the desires of my heart.